Cold Shouldered

Cold Shouldered In 1815, following his defeat at Waterloo, Napoleon was exiled to the island of Saint Helena and destined never to return to disrupt peace again in Europe.

The Treaty of Paris was concluded on 20th November 1815 between the allies and the belligerent French; in the evening, a ball was held to herald a new era of peace in Europe.

As the Duke of Wellington arrived at the ball, the French officers present turned their backs on him. A French lady present was embarrassed by her countrymen’s discourtesy and apologised to Wellington. Wellington’s riposte was:

“Madam, I have seen their backs before!”

The Brexit talks have started with the EU, and we can expect a period ahead when we see a lot of backs being turned towards us.

I enclose the tax tables for 2017-18, which contain little of interest other than the introduction of the nil rate band for the principal residence for certain categories of estate owners, namely: individuals with children; estates under £2 million in value and not more than £2.2 million. Mr Corbyn has promised “retribution” for the rich, if Labour attain power, and that would make the reading of future tax tables more interesting!


The Value of Money


What choices!